Investigation of Air Quality in Niğde Example


  • Orhun Soydan Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University


Air, Air Quality, Geographic Information Systems, Landscape, Niğde


ir pollution is defined as the accumulation of gaseous or particulate matter, especially fuel residues, in the atmosphere, which is released as a result of various chemical processes, in amounts that will harm the life of living things. Rapid urbanization, industrialization, increase in the number of motor vehicles, meteorological conditions, fuels used in heating, industrial establishments and the spread of thermal power plants play an important role in the increase of air pollution. Air pollution is an important environmental problem affecting people in both developed and developing countries, and it is estimated that megacities of developing countries and a quarter of the world's population are exposed to air pollutants in unhealthy concentrations. People living in cities with high outdoor air pollution suffer from heart disease, respiratory problems and lung cancer more than the population living in urban areas with clean air. It is estimated that 1.3 million people die from air pollution each year, more than half of them in developing countries. When observed over longer periods of time, pollution in large cities tends to increase during the construction phase, reaching a maximum and decreasing again as mitigation strategies are developed. In the industrialized western world, urban air pollution is, in some respects, in its final stages, with significant reductions in SO2 and soot levels. However, increased traffic in recent years has focused attention on nitrogen oxides, organic compounds and small particles. The increase in the number of private vehicles is an emerging problem. Rapid urbanization in most developing countries has so far led to uncontrolled growth and environmental degradation. Air pollution levels here are still increasing in many cities. In this study, one of the most intensive use areas of Niğde province, Dr. Air quality was measured along Sami Yağız Street. H2S, O2 and CO measurements were made at 22 points at equal intervals on both sides of the street. Measurements were made in a total of 4 different time periods per day. Maps were produced by transferring the obtained values to ArcGIS 10.3 software. It has been determined that the measurement of the gases determined along the street is not homogeneously distributed, especially the change in the amount of oxygen is higher than the other gases.



How to Cite

Soydan, O. (2023). Investigation of Air Quality in Niğde Example. III. International Congress of the Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, Malatya, Türkiye, 379–379. from